Tuesday, May 7, 2013

24 Day Challenge DONE!

I did it! I completed my AdvoCare 24 Day Challenge!! Final numbers... -14 inches and -14.5 lbs! I'm very pleased with my results and LOVE this program! This was just a kick-off to my "get healthy" plan, still more to lose, but off to a great start! Thank you to my AdvoCare coach for being so supportive and helping me during this challenge.  I had my moments of weakness, but I still managed to exceed my expectations.  This is just the beginning for me.  Now I'm incorporating exercise into my life.  I didn't exercise during my challenge because I wanted to focus on my eating 100%.  We've started walking together as a family in the evening.  It's a start for me and it's so wonderful to get out and walk around the neighborhood with the kids.  They love it and we're all getting some exercise and fresh air.  This program has been a real blessing for me and it's allowing me to lose weight on MY terms at MY pace.  I'm in control of my results.  I don't have anything coming up that I have to lose weight for (i.e. wedding, vacation, etc).  I can lose weight the right way and drastically increase my chances of keeping it off.  I'm not setting myself up for failure as I have in the past.  With no end date in sight, I can focus on each day instead of a deadline looming over me.  Takes a lot of stress off of me.  I'll continue to update this blog as I go and again, I hope I can inspire anyone else who has some of these same struggles.